Their $30M Investment Fund Focuses on Closing the Wealth Gap Through Employee Ownership

11 mins read

Apis &​ ​Heritage Capital is a $30 million investment fund that uses a novel “employee-led buyout” (ELBO©) structure to provide​ ​workers of color and workers in essential industries with the most powerful wealth building tool​ ​in the nation: equity in a thriving business.

The Washington, DC-based firm finances the acquisition of companies​ ​from retiring owners/founders and converts them into 100% employee-owned enterprises. A&H invests in companies where at least 40% of the workforce consists of workers of color.

In June 2021, the firm announced its first close at $30 million through its flagship Legacy Fund I.

The fund was supported by investments from the Ford Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation’s Zero Gap Fund, The Skoll Foundation, Capricorn Investments, Gary Community Investments, Ascension Investment Management, and many other impact investing institutions and individuals.

We caught up with the founders, Todd Leverette and Phil Reeves to learn more:

What inspired you to start a fund focused on employee ownership?

TODD: It’s interesting, I was raised by my parents to always ask “Given what you have, how are you using it to make things better for your community and for others?” That same inquiry and conviction was accentuated and refined at Morehouse College, where I met my partner at A&H, Phil Reeves. That question stayed with us as we moved through our respective careers. 

For me, I was always trying to figure out how to use the blessing of having the opportunity to work on Wall Street and go to law and business school—how to take those skills and that information and pour it back into the community in a way that changes people’s lives for the better. It was while I was working with the Democracy at Work Institute, the incubating and technical assistance partner for the Fund, that I found that answer. 

At the Democracy at Work Institute, I was tasked with bringing the power and benefits of employee ownership to Black and Brown communities. Employee ownership has the power and potential to create great companies that stay rooted in their communities, provide better workplaces, generate higher job satisfaction, and most importantly, help workers build wealth.

So, given that tall order, I did what I always do—I called the smartest guy I know, my partner, Phil Reeves, and together we developed the financing model for what we now call our “employee-led buy out” model and conceived of Apis & Heritage to bring the power of employee ownership to workforces of color.

Initially, we were trying to arrange financing for a single acquisition of a company to prove that our model could work, but our first outside partner, Michael Brownrigg, came in with a lot of fund management expertise and pushed us to create a larger fund for investment into numerous companies, rather than just raising money for a single acquisition. And here we are, Apis & Heritage Capital Partners (A&H), Legacy Fund I, having had a first close of $30M on Juneteenth of 2021, looking to announce our final close very soon, and having completed our first 2 “employee-led buy out” transactions in Colorado and Texas.

How do you plan to help employees create wealth?

PHIL: First, it is important to understand that 60% of Black workers and 75% of Brown workers retire with no retirement assets according to the Economic Policy Institute. Through employee ownership, the average worker nearing retirement in an employee-owned business has $147,000 in their retirement account. This is transformative.

Although the first generation of wealth in a company should go to the founders—the ones who took the risk to start the business and probably sweated to make payroll along the way—we are focused on helping employees earn the next generation of enterprise wealth. When we help a company transition into an A&H 100% employee-owned business, the mechanics of wealth creation are pretty simple: each year, the company gives a portion of shares to each full time employee.

The employees do NOT pay for those shares; they earn them through their hard work. Each year the company’s value is assessed by an outside expert, and that then sets the “share price” for each share.

When an employee is ready to retire, he or she then sells the shares they have earned back to the company. It is like owning shares in the stock market, except you own shares in your own company and you can help your company grow and become more valuable every day.

What are the benefits of a business becoming employee-owned? 

TODD: The data after almost 50 years is crystal clear—companies that are employee-owned, where workers feel like worker-owners, tend to outperform their peers in all of the important metrics: they are more profitable, more productive, and more resilient in economic downturns.

Additionally, research shows that the mental health of employees improves. And the reason is obvious—when employees are engaged and empowered as owners, they take more care about expenses, they look for ways to improve their work, they generate more ideas for new products or services, and they are happier.

And to be clear, these are not niche companies, these are strong and growing businesses. Indeed the world of employee-owned companies in America includes firms with tens of thousands of employee-owners; there are employee-owned companies that make billions of dollars in revenue.

In addition to all that—which is really important!—100% employee-owned businesses also pay ZERO federal taxes and in 44 out of 50 states, zero state taxes, which is another obvious financial advantage.

An estimated 10,000 Baby Boomers are retiring each day. What opportunities does this present for A&H?

PHIL: As you say, there is a massive transfer of business assets happening right now and for the next decade, as the Baby Boomer generation begins to retire and looks for ways to exit their businesses.

The reality is that some will be handed down to family members, but most will either be shut down or sold to private equity firms or to competitors. We want employees to have a shot at owning those businesses!

And we think a lot of owners want that too, they just may not be aware that the option exists for them or fear that they will have to carry a very large “seller’s note” for years if they try to sell to their employees.

A&H exists to make this transaction easier for owners by handling all the red tape and ensuring that they do not have to carry large seller’s notes if they sell through A&H to their employees.

Where do you see A&H in the next 5 years?

PHIL & TODD: As your prior question makes clear, there is a massive opportunity for A&H in the next 5-10 years. Only 17% of Baby Boomers who own companies have succession plans putting workers, particularly Black and Brown workers, at risk.

We think we can help thousands of workers of color, and low-income workers generally, become employee-owners, putting them on a path to financial security for themselves and their families, and really putting a dent in the racial wealth gap and even intergenerational poverty over time. 

Moreover, our efforts so far demonstrate that there is a hunger for this approach in the ownership world. We have seen it first hand: if owners can get a fair price for their companies and receive assistance navigating the process and paperwork, they would prefer to hand the company over to their employees. So we are really only limited by how much capital we can raise and how well we execute.

However, we are enormously grateful to our Legacy Fund I investors, particularly The Rockefeller Foundation for its early investment and ongoing support of our model. The early investments from The Rockefeller Foundation Zero Gap Fund and other leading investors helped us attract additional capital, making our first fund raising a success.

All of our investor partners have enabled us to establish a track record so that, in the future, we can raise Fund 2 and transition more and larger companies to employee ownership, potentially impacting thousands of workers and their families.

Expanding the ownership model has the power to help eliminate the racial wealth gap and make this country a stronger and more equitable place to work. Our goal is to establish Fund 2 within the next 5 years.


Tony O. Lawson

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5 Industries That Can Thrive During a Recession

4 mins read

No one can ever forget the Great Recession of 2007–08, where millions lost their jobs worldwide. The business world took a long time to recover from that recession, and it was almost 2010 before there was a glimmer of hope.

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic was another brutal hit on businesses across the world. Many people lost their jobs again, and it left many small businesses wondering if there was going to be another recession on the horizon.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a recession-proof business since every financial crisis is unique. However, there are some types of businesses that have a better chance of surviving than others during economically troubling times.

Here are some recession-proof business ideas for 2022 that budding and expanding entrepreneurs can consider.

1)  Accounting and Taxation

Accounting and taxation are two areas that are always in demand. In fact, the role of accountants and tax consultants becomes more so important during times of economic crisis. The best part is that if you are a certified accountant, you can start the business with almost no investment. Additionally, companies across industries need help with accounting and taxation, making it easier to find clients irrespective of the economic situation.

2)  Healthcare

Healthcare services are constantly in demand, even during a recession. This industry also has a wide variety of areas you can invest in, whether it’s home health care, medical mobile screening, physical and occupational therapy, wellness coaching, post-hospitalization care, or alternative healthcare services.

3)  Elder Care Services

Older adults and their families often have to choose between aging at home and relocating to a facility that offers more specialized care. 77% of adults over the age of 50 want to age in place because they want to grow old in a familiar environment and do not wish to give up their independence. Additionally, aging at home is more affordable.

However, these older adults might still require assistance with personal care, housekeeping, meal preparation, shopping, transportation, and other activities of daily living. This is why in-home care companies are always in demand all year round.

4)  Handyman and Repairs

Offering repair and maintenance services can be quite a lucrative business venture if done right. Home appliances, electronics and gadgets, furniture, small engines like lawnmowers and leaf blowers, and cars are just some things that can break down anytime and require immediate repair. There is always a need for handyman services, especially during a recession, as people find it more affordable to fix their existing equipment rather than purchase new ones.

5)  Delivery Service

In the last two years, the product delivery industry has grown exponentially, and experts predict that this trend will continue in the future. The rising popularity of e-commerce websites and the consumer demand for instant delivery have also contributed to this boom. Whether it’s food, medicine, or product delivery for e-commerce companies, this is one industry that has a lot of potential for growth and expansion.

No matter the industry, starting a business comes with its own set of potential problems. However, with careful market evaluation, planning, and implementation, you can create a business model that is well-equipped to handle the challenges of negative economic conditions.

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5 Tips to Follow for a Successful Construction Project

4 mins read

Construction projects require a lot of coordination and expertise. You need to make sure that you have the right people working on the project and that it is being monitored properly. Keep reading to find out some of the tips and tricks that you can follow to ensure a successful construction project.

Always Start with a Plan

You don’t want to jump into a project without knowing its full scope or how long it’s going to take. You need to know what resources are needed and are available for the job and how much time it will take to complete specific tasks. Make sure you have a detailed plan of action before you begin working on any part of your project.

Communication Is Central to Success

Once you’ve planned your project, it’s essential to communicate with everyone involved in the process so that they understand their roles and responsibilities, as well as any changes that come along the way.

Communication can help keep costs down by reducing unnecessary work for contractors and subcontractors who may not have been apprised of any changes made by other parties involved in a project’s construction phase. It will also help keep everyone on track so that deadlines are met and budget estimates remain accurate throughout each stage of the construction project.

Finance Management Is Crucial

Finance management during construction requires careful oversight from all parties involved in order to avoid overspending during the initial stages. This includes monitoring budget levels throughout various stages so that funds aren’t used up prematurely due to unforeseen circumstances.

Keeping a close eye on your budget lets everyone stay on track financially throughout the construction project. It also ensures that money isn’t wasted unnecessarily due to miscommunication between stakeholders about how much certain aspects of construction, such as utility upgrades, might cost them.

Sticking to a Schedule Is Extremely Helpful

There are a lot of things to keep in mind when managing a construction project, but one of the most important aspects is time. Keeping a close eye on the timeline of the project and making sure that each task is completed on schedule is crucial to the success of the project. By staying on top of the schedule, you can avoid expensive delays and ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget.

You Need to Be Able to Adapt to Changes

There are always unforeseen circumstances that can arise during a construction project, and being able to adapt to these changes is crucial. By being flexible and adaptable, you can make the necessary adjustments to ensure that the project stays on track no matter what happens. Keeping all stakeholders informed of all progress and changes that occur can help avoid potential problems down the road, and if any do arise, they can be fixed at an early stage.

Construction is a very tough field, and every project has its own challenges. There are so many things that can go wrong and so many things that you need to keep under control. Hence, try to keep track of everything, including your finances.


Lendistry uses cutting-edge technology to provide small business owners with efficient and effective financial solutions that cover all their needs, including financing construction projects. Contact Lendistry to learn more.

5 Helpful Tips on How to Survive a Recession as a Black Owned Business

7 mins read

Having a recession plan for your Black-owned business is a key pre-emptive measure to protect you from going bankrupt or shutting down. With the current economic climate, there’s uncertainty about whether or not we’re on the brink of another recession.

So, just in case, we’ve collected a few helpful tips on how to survive a recession as a Black-owned business to get you started as you prepare to persevere.

1.   Negotiate the Money Leaving Your Hands

Protect the money you have and spend it minimally and wisely. Start by getting a full picture of how your business is currently spending (you might be surprised at what you find!).

Nonessentials can go (for example: instead of paying for marketing, see if there’s more you can do on your own for free).

Evaluate essentials for potential renegotiation. For businesses with storefronts, if you pay vendor fees or rent, see if you can renegotiate your terms to meet your abilities. This way, the recession won’t cause you to lose your space and the company you work with won’t lose you as a client.

2. How to Make Money During a Recession

Remember during COVID how every business started selling masks? Gyms, salons, luxury brands, pet stores, and more: every industry found a way to make extra money during that time by playing into a widespread need.

Make money during a recession by being smart about the services and products you offer. If your customers and community favor one of your services, instead of investing in a weaker product, focus on what sells. If you notice a demand in your market, especially one that arises out of the recession, survive by orienting your business to fill that need.

Don’t hesitate to think outside of the box!

  • Do you have space that you can rent out?
  • Are you able to repurpose less-popular products into something that might sell?
  • Is there a low-cost initiative that might revitalize interest in your services?

If business is slow as is, don’t be afraid to brainstorm ways you might adapt to the shifting market.

3. How to Survive a Recession with Low Cost Marketing

Social media marketing has become a low-cost – if not free – way to advertise, which makes it a great way to advance your business during a recession. Take creative control over how your brand, services, and products are represented and connect directly with your customers.

Engage your existing customers while using hashtag and posting strategies to target new leads. Hype up giveaways, advertise sales, and take the time to ask your audience what they want. This can go a long way. You might find out they don’t understand one of your products or services, or they might express the desire to see something different that your company can produce (and sell).

Survive a recession by saving money on advertising and investing in a social media marketing strategy that’ll keep you in touch with your customers and benefit your business for the long haul.

4. Through Thick & Thin: Value Your Customers

During a recession, you might find your business isn’t attracting as many new customers. There’s value in doubling back and returning to people you already know like your products. While your social media marketing strategy will primarily work to attract new customers, you can take extra steps to foster a sense of community among your existing customers.

  • Create a loyalty program where you offer exclusive deals to existing customers
  • Offer a higher tier program for returning/repeat customers
  • Create an email list where you engage customers with news, updates, and information about your business.

Something to keep in mind (for your social media marketing as well) is that not all content should drive sales. Some of your content should be purely for brand awareness and engagement. The reason you – the business – don’t have money during a recession is because they – the customers – don’t either. So, use this time to keep them involved in the company (without pressure) so that when they can spend, they’re more likely to.

5.   Survive a Recession by Getting Ahead

Plan for hard times before they hit:

  • Have emergency funds (for any kind of rainy day)
  • Consider a cost-cut plan in advance
  • Target consumers overseas (since recessions aren’t always international) so that you have strong leads both in and outside of the affected regions
  • Implement money-saving strategies now and add the extra money to your emergency fund
  • Expand your business when the market is receptive
  • Know your loan and refinancing options and seek help from Black-owned banks

As a Black-owned business, you play a fundamental role in economic progress as a whole and for the Black community. With the odds traditionally stacked against Black-owned businesses, it’s more important than ever that resources like these helpful tips prepare you for potential storms.

Remember to give the support you seek by investing in other Black-owned businesses and check out the Shoppe Black News page to stay updated.

Isaac Barnes on How He Won a $13.4B Government Contract

1 min read

Isaac Barnes is the founder and President of Eminent Future, a digital product, and innovation company focused on creating societal change.

Recently, Isaac made history by winning a $13.4 billion defense contract with the Pentagon, White House, and Department of State.

In this interview he shares:

  • His background and how it inspired him to become an entrepreneur.
  • Why he decided to get into government contracting.
  • Being awarded a $13.4 Billion contract.
  • The formula for obtaining multi-million and multi-billion dollar government contracts.
  • Why it’s important that Black youth get involved in technology.
  • How cryptocurrency can be used to create wealth in the Black community.
  • Details about his cryptocurrency, xMooney token.
  • Thoughts about thinking big vs limited thinking.
  • His personal and professional future goals?

SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more interviews!

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4 Ways Lenders Can Add Digitalization to Their Processes

3 mins read

Lending is an industry that has seen a lot of changes in the last few decades. Not only is the economic environment lenders work in constantly evolving, but the processes in the industry are as well.

Influenced by the multiple innovations taking place in fintech, the lending industry has opened its doors to different kinds of lenders, resulting in the need for new processes to meet the evolving demands. Digitization is now a best practice when it comes to opening up access to lending for all small business owners.

Financing is a critical part of every business’s growth. It helps businesses get the tools and equipment they need to grow and expand. Keep reading to discover the different ways in which lenders can add digitalization to their processes so that they can provide the best service possible.

Acquiring Customers through Digital Touchpoints

Digital Data Lending

This involves gathering as much information as possible about potential customers before they apply for a loan so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not they should be approved for one. This can be done by using an algorithm that calculates the probability of default based on past behavior and other factors such as social media activity or credit history.

Distribution of Funds through Digital Channels

Lenders can use digital channels to transfer loans once they’ve been approved—meaning that if someone wants their money right away, now they’ll be able to access it quickly through an app or website. While there may be some costs associated with setting up these systems initially, they will save lenders a lot of time and money in the long run.

Educational Videos to Explain Banking Concepts

Creating educational videos to explain banking concepts would help engage with and provide financial education to customers, from how to take out a loan to how to save for retirement and more. Instructional videos also help to walk customers through steps in the application process that often trip applicants up.

Additionally, lenders could create interactive apps that walk customers through the steps of applying for a loan or opening a new account. These features could be accessed through the lender’s website or a mobile app. By making the process more digital and user-friendly, lenders can provide a better experience for their customers.

In today’s competitive world, lenders have had to transform their business goals and business models to place their customers’ interests at the forefront. With client satisfaction in mind, they need to focus on the value proposition of digitalization in making processes easier and more user-friendly.

Lendistry prides itself on being a reliable source of financial education for small business owners. With the help of innovative technology and a wide range of financial programs, the Lendistry team provides economic opportunities for small business owners looking to serve their communities.

How to Prepare to Apply for a Loan for Your Trucking Company

4 mins read

The trucking industry is booming. It is currently a lucrative career path that allows aspiring entrepreneurs to start their own businesses with minimal overhead costs.

In order to get started in the trucking industry, you’ll first need to secure business financing. One way to do this is by applying for a trucking loan. Keep reading to learn more about the necessary steps you need to take before you apply for a business loan for your trucking company.

Evaluate the Eligibility Criteria

Before applying for the loan, you’ll first need to ensure that you meet the approval requirements. These include having sufficient income history and credit score, as well as having no outstanding debts or liens against your name. If you aren’t sure whether or not you meet these criteria, talk to your lender about your options.

Locate and Put Together the Required Documents

The next step is to find out what financial documents lenders need to process your loan. This typically includes financial statements and proof of income such as tax returns and profit and loss statements, proof of employment such as pay stubs, and personal information such as social security numbers and date of birth of all the borrowers on the loan application.

Shop for Trucks That Meet Your Requirements

When you are looking to get a loan for a truck, it is important to find one that is right for your specific needs. You don’t want to get a loan for a truck that is too small or too large. You also want to make sure that the truck is in good condition and that it has all the features you need. Also, you might need to provide your lender with the truck’s condition report, its registration, pictures, and a signed price quote from the dealership.

Sign up for a Truck Insurance Plan

If you’re planning to finance your truck purchase with a loan, one of the things that will likely be required is proof of insurance. That’s because the truck will serve as collateral for the loan, and the lender will want to ensure it’s protected in case of an accident or other incidents.

There are a few different types of truck insurance you can get for your truck, and the one you choose will depend on a number of factors. For example, if you’re going to be using the truck to transport modular homes across the country, you might need insurance that is more complex and expensive than the one required for your regular grocery or cargo trucks.

Submit the Documents on Time

If you’re looking to finance your trucking business, you’ll need to submit a loan application with all the required documentation. This can include your business plan, financial statements, and tax returns. The lender will use this information to assess if the business is eligible for funding and whether you will be able to repay the loan. If you are approved, the loan terms will be based on your credit score, business history, and the amount of collateral you’re willing to put up.

Trucking is a massive industry filled with many opportunities for growth and expansion. With cutting-edge technology and a variety of loan programs, Lendistry makes it easier for trucking business owners to find efficient and effective financial solutions that meet their needs.

How Olympian Allyson Felix Built Her Own Multi-Million Dollar Shoe Brand

4 mins read

Allyson Felix has made a name for herself in Olympic sports and business. Coming on the professional track scene in 2004, she has established a name for herself as a humble professional and businesswoman with solid core values.

Allyson Felix

Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Allyson began her professional athletic career early. By 18, she had already earned a silver medal in the women’s 200-meter sprint at the Athens Olympics.

Today, she is the most decorated track and field athlete. A 5 time Olympian with 11 Olympic medals under her belt, Allyson has carved out a lane for herself and the many women she inspires with her athletic and entrepreneurial prowess.

Allyson Felix

Disrespected by Nike, Allyson Felix Fights Back

Allyson held sponsorship and endorsement deals with Adidas and Nike throughout her career. As a result, she was one of the most marketed athletes in Nike’s history. However, after going through a difficult pregnancy, she would discover that her sponsor to whom she was loyal, did not have fair practices surrounding maternity protections. This experience was a cause Allyson was prepared and determined to fight.

Black Olympian Fights for Maternity Protections

Giving birth to her daughter in 2018 was a life-threatening experience for the successful athlete. Experiencing pre-eclampsia, a condition that disproportionately affects black mothers, she had an emergency c-section eight weeks early.

As a result, she gave birth to her daughter Camryn who weighed only 3 lbs. This experience would be the catalyst for the fight she would encounter as a fierce advocate for the rights of athlete moms and females in general.

Following the expiry of her contract in 2017, Nike wanted to pay Allyson 70 percent less in her sponsorship deal than they did before her pregnancy. Shocked and disappointed, Ms. Felix publicly shared her experience, drawing awareness to female athletes’ unfair realities in the male-dominated sports industry.

As a result of her advocacy, Felix was able to inspire other female athletes to speak out about the unfair experiences they have had. In doing so, Nike was forced to change its maternity policy for all its athletes in August 2019. In addition, the enhanced maternity protections guarantee pay and bonuses for 18 months around pregnancy. Other athletic apparel companies have since followed suit.

Allyson Felix

Olympian Secures New Apparel Deal with Gap Inc.

Despite having no sponsorship representation during her last national championship appearance in 2019, Allyson forged ahead and boldly chose to overcome one of the biggest obstacles in her career. She realigned herself with an athletic brand that she believed shared her core values. As a result, she entered into a sponsorship deal with Athleta (owned by Gap Inc.) to sponsor her apparel. This deal made her the first sponsored athlete under the brand.

Felix’s Multi-Million Dollar Footwear Brand

Determined to continue making an impact for women, Allyson Felix successfully launched her female-focused shoe brand, Saysh, in 2019. Saysh’s core mission is “to undermine inequality with female athleticism and creativity.”

In May 2022, the brand successfully secured a multimillion-dollar deal in a round of funding that will enable them to expand its product offerings. The investment will help further the cause to design and offer shoes designed especially for women’s feet. The company will also be able to provide more maternity protections to its workers, increase its e-commerce presence, and expand its wholesale distribution.

When Nike tried to take her seat at their table, Allyson Felix chose to build her boardroom. Kudos to this fearless champ!

Tony O. Lawson

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The Beginners Guide to Retirement Planning

5 mins read

Are you considering retiring in a few years? If so, you will need to create and follow a solid retirement plan.

Getting ready for retirement usually requires you to have consistent savings and fruitful investments. A retirement plan can help you gather and maintain your finances that you can bank on after you leave the workforce.

If you don’t know where to start with retirement planning or what to expect going forward, keep reading. This article highlights the essentials of retirement planning and how you can efficiently build and manage your retirement money.

When to Start Retirement Planning?

Whether you plan to retire a few years or a few decades from now, the earlier you start planning, the more time your money has to grow. From the beginning of your career, you can try and set aside a portion of your paycheck for your retirement fund.

In the years leading up to retirement, regularly contribute to that fund so that when you finally retire, you have a financial cushion to fall back on. If your employer provides a 401(k) plan, save at least enough to get the maximum possible 401(k) match.

If you don’t start retirement planning right away, don’t worry. It’s never too late to start. Any amount of money you can manage to save from now until retirement is beneficial in the long run.

How Much Should You Save?

This question can be best answered by considering your current financial situation. Take stock of your annual income and expenses and deduce how much you’d need to save to maintain your present lifestyle after retirement. Also, consider the ways in which your current expenses can change around the time of retirement.

For example, if you’re a young parent in their 20s, you will have to save a portion of your income to cater to your child’s educational, medical, and emotional needs. So, you cannot set aside too much money for your future plans.

However, when your children become adults, and you get closer to retirement, you no longer have to worry about saving money for their needs. You can invest more of your income in your retirement then.

Ideally, saving 70% to 90% of your annual pre-retirement income can help you live comfortably during retirement.

Select your retirement investments

Retirement accounts provide access to a range of investments, including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Determining the right mix of investments depends on how long you have until you need the money and how comfortable you are with risk.

  • Generally, the idea is to invest aggressively when you’re young, and then slowly dial back to a more conservative mix of investments as you approach retirement age. That’s because early on you have a lot of time for your money to weather market fluctuations — a few bad years won’t ruin you, and your nest egg should benefit greatly from the stock market’s history of long-term growth. Investing for retirement evolves alongside you as you change jobs, add to your family tree, endure stock market ups and downs and get closer to your retirement due date.

  • Your investments don’t necessarily require constant babysitting. If you want to manage your retirement savings on your own, you can do it with just a handful of low-cost mutual funds. Those who prefer professional guidance can hire a financial advisor.

Follow a feasible retirement plan that works best for you to ensure a comfortable retirement for yourself and/or your dependents.

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Term vs. Whole Life Insurance: Differences, Pros, and Cons

4 mins read

Term and whole life insurance are two of the oldest types of life insurance and remain among the most popular. Both term and whole life insurance policies enable you to leave a cash benefit for your beneficiaries after you die. Term life insurance is a less expensive insurance policy that has an expiration date. Whereas, whole life insurance costs a little more but lasts for the life of the insured as long as the premiums are paid.

Choosing between term and whole life insurance requires understanding how these two types of life insurance work. Once you know how they work and their benefits and drawbacks, you can develop a strategy and secure life insurance coverage that works for you. Keep reading to learn the difference between term & whole life insurance and their pros and cons.

What Is the Difference Between Term vs Whole Life Insurance?

Term life insurance is one of the most common types of life insurance, providing a death benefit for a specified period of time, typically 10 to 30 years. You’ll pay a set premium for the amount of coverage you want during that time, but if you pass away after the term life policy period expires, your heirs will receive nothing. Term life insurance is also known as pure life insurance because it is simply insurance with no savings or investment component.

The other major type of life insurance is whole life insurance, which is designed to last your entire life, regardless of how old you are when you die. While you may have to pay premiums on your policy for several more years than with term life, your monthly premium amount is fixed at the start of your policy and never changes.

Pros and Cons of Term Life Insurance


  • It is easier to comprehend than “permanent” policies.
  • Term insurance is typically much less expensive than other types of life insurance.
  • It is possible to convert it to permanent coverage.


  • Protection is only available during the policy’s term.
  • Premiums increase upon renewal.
  • The policy cannot be borrowed or cashed in.
  • It cannot be used for wealth accumulation or tax planning strategy.

Pros and Cons of Whole Life Insurance


  • Since it is permanent life insurance, the coverage never expires.
  • You can borrow against your whole life insurance policy to meet future financial needs.
  • Premiums are guaranteed for the rest of your life.
  • Loans, like death benefits, are usually exempt from taxation.
  • Can borrow or cash in on the policy.


  • If you have to cancel the policy within the first few years, you may be charged a surrender fee.
  • Whole life insurance is significantly more expensive than comparable term policies.
  • Your death benefit will be reduced if you have any outstanding loans.

It is a difficult task to choose between term and whole life insurance plans, but make sure that you have some type of life insurance coverage in place sooner rather than later. And besides, life insurance only gets more expensive as you get older.

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