Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: #BLACKSPENDINGMATTERS

Once again, due to gross state sanctioned violence against our communities, thousands of people are calling for other economic strategies to resist the consistent wave of oppression that we face. We’ve called for and participated in these acts of resistance before. #NotOneDime was the most recent national and international call after there was a non-indictment verdict in the Ferguson case. Once again, various groups and individuals are calling upon Black people to put their dollars in our own communities, in response to the perpetual disregard for our lives.


For the week of July 10th – July 16th, organizers are calling for the following

7.10.16: Boycott Big Chain and Department Stores (Walmart, Target, Macy’s Sam’s, Nordstrom’s, etc…)

7.11.16: Boycott Fast Food Restaurants, that most of us shouldn’t be eating at anyone because of the high blood pressure, diabetes, carcinogenic crap they serve (McDonald’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway, Popeye’s, Chipotle, Starbucks, etc…)

7.12.16: Boycott Online spending (Amazon, and any online sites).

7.13.16: Boycott Supermarkets (Pathmark, Winn Dixie, Shop Rite, Harris Teeter’s, Rite, Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, etc…)

7.14.16: Repeat Days 1 & 2

7.15.16: Repeat Days 3 & 4


The Alternative: Shop at and support Black owned businesses, both in the U.S. and abroad. 

Earlier today, Saint Heron listed more than 21 Black-owned banks in the U.S. and urged followers to remove their money from mainstream institutions and place their assets in our own instead. There are other groups and individuals who have taken similar steps in the recent past and who are calling for the same.

ShoppeBlack is one startup of many platforms and initiatives that focuses on our collective economic power. We’ll continue to push this agenda, in the belief that this war will be won on many fronts because in reality, #blackspendingmatters.



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