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11 mins read

Tela Holcomb Retired At 29 After She Taught Herself How To Trade Stocks

From the outside looking in, you’d never know that Tela Holcomb has a net worth closely approaching the millions. She’s a happy mother and wife who lives below her means but made financial freedom a priority.

Not too long ago, Tela had a government job, worked a 9 to 5 and knew nothing about the stock world. But with diligence and practice, she was able to master her craft and earn over $1 million in four years from stocks and trading alone. With an industry like the stock market, it may take some time to get to terms with how it all works. But the more you know, the better it will be for you when you plan on making your first investment. It is definitely worth doing your research before making any moves.

And she’s here to help you do it too. In this interview with BAUCE, Tela shares what motivated her to get in stocks, the initial fears she overcame, and why she decided to build her own platform to help other women of color financially rise to the top as well.

Tela, I want to set the stage here. What was your 9-to-5 job before you got into stocks and trading?

Tela: So before I started trading, I was doing administrative work for the government. I was doing that for about seven years. What really made me want to start learning about stocks was this guy I worked with that was always talking about how he was going to retire early from trading on the stock market. He had this whole plan to RV the country and do all this crazy stuff. It made me curious.

I thought to myself if he can do it, I know I’m smart — I can figure this thing out. So that prompted me to just really start asking him questions because other than knowing the fact that the stock market existed and that there was a channel that talks about it all day, I didn’t really know anything else about it. And I didn’t have anyone growing up or around me at the time that I ever really talked to about trading outside of your 401k or investing. So that’s really what piqued my interest. I started asking him about what books to read, and what courses to take.

What resources helped you learn about the world of stocks when you were first starting out?

Tela: Honestly, it varied. A lot of the information goes completely over your head. So I had to Google a lot of stuff. I also went to Investopedia a lot and then I would also break things down for myself. Once I figured out what a term meant, I would find a way to figure out how it related to something I’m used to in everyday life so that it was easier to explain. Think about how you teach a child to tie a shoe.

You’re not telling them “rotate your strings 45 degrees and loop them around”. Instead, we say things like “the rabbit jumped over the log or make these bunny ears”. That’s how I truly mastered the stock game — by breaking through the lingo.

Did you have children when you started trading?

Tela: Yeah, I was a single mom at the time when I first started.

Having a side hustle while you have a job can be exhausting. How did you automate trading into your schedule? How did you find the time to learn all this information?

Tela Holcomb

Via Tela Holcomb

Tela: In the beginning, you have to allot time to it. I did it only because I was committed to having it replace my job. I was committed to having it generate income for me. But I didn’t want it to take all my time away from my family. What I did was find the time that I was already pretty much wasting — like all the time I was using to watch television — and reallocate it to learning about stocks.

So while I sat outside and watched my daughter play, I would be reading a book about the stock market. I would be looking at stock charts. When I was sitting at doctor’s appointments waiting to be seen, I would be scrolling through information about stocks on my phone. I chose to use the dead times in my day also to do more studying and more learning.

What was the first stock you ever purchased?

Tela: The first stock purchased was Coach [laughs] because I love purses. I was like, you know, what, if I can make the money to purchase the purse I want through the stock then I’ll get it. I will use it as a way to motivate me.

But when you purchased that first stock, did you know how soon you would get a return on it?

Tela: Uh, you know, at first I didn’t know. It was all practicing and that’s something I try to encourage people to do is use a practice account first before you use your real money. I lost money the first time around but I kept kind of trying to practice and figure it all out.

But then I started to learn that there are trends in stocks. Maybe they always go up during a certain time of year or they always go down during a certain time of year. So once I discovered that I started to find the trends and all these different stocks.

What practice accounts do you recommend for people starting out?

Tela: There’s two practice accounts that I would definitely recommend. One is through Investopedia. They actually have a practice simulator on their website that people can use to kind of play around and get a feel of things. There’s also thinkorswim by TD Ameritrade. I love their practice platform. It’s a little techy for most people, but it’s definitely powerful and I highly recommend it.

The biggest mistake is trying to get out there with your real money when you have no idea what’s going on. I get people all the time that put their money out there and then they don’t even know how to sell it. Take the time to practice and learn this. The stock market’s not going anywhere. All this money is still going to be there to be made.

You talk about stocks as a path to financial freedom. Do you think stocks are for everyone?

Tela: Yes. I believe everyone should have stocks as a part of their wealth building or their “legacy building”. Because we can’t pass down financial legacies if all we’re doing is saving and budgeting. So stocks, real estate, something of value — some type of investing needs to be a part of your wealth building plan so that you can start building a financial legacy within your family.

You have your own platform where you share these tips and jewels. What motivated you to start sharing these resources with other people, especially African Americans?

Tela: I decided to create my own platform to educate people and share my story because when I started there weren’t very many people trading stocks that looked like me. And so when I started that was a little discouraging for me. It also felt that no one was explaining it in a way that I needed to understand so all the information clicked. So I had to do that on my own.

I realized that there are more people out there that look just like me who probably are feeling the same way that I did when I started out. They may look around in the space and feel that they don’t think they have a chance to succeed in this. So it’s really for me to be out here and represent so that other black women (and men) can see what’s truly possible. As long as we are motivated and we take the time to put into the things we want — anything is possible.


Source: Bauce Mag

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8 mins read

Black Owned Venture Capital, Private Equity & Angel Investment Firms

Less than 1% of American venture capital backed founders are Black and the percentage of Black people in decision making roles within the venture capital arena is not much higher.

This lack of diversity within investment firms ultimately translates to a lack of diversity in the companies that they invest in.

The good news is that there are a growing number of Black owned venture capital and other investment firms run by people of color who understand that Black founders present a large and untapped market.

These investors make it a point to include Black startups in their portfolio, and in some cases, focus solely on underrepresented entrepreneurs.

Black Owned Venture Capital, Private Equity & Angel Investment Firms

Collab Capital is an investment fund leveraging financial, human, and social capital to help founders build sustainable, technology enabled businesses

Collab Capital Managing partners Barry Givens,  Jewel Solomon Burks and Justin Dawkins

Black Star Fund is an angel/venture fund that focuses primarily on early-stage technology companies.

Serena Ventures focuses on early stage companies and giving them the opportunity to be heard.

GenNx360 Capital Partners is a private equity firm that focuses its investments in industrial and business services companies in the U.S. middle market.

Daphne Dufresne-Managing Partner – GenNx360

Authentic Ventures is a seed and early stage Venture Capital Firm that believes that a strong, inclusive network of founders, operators, and investors can accomplish great things.

Lindsay Lee, Founder & Managing Partner of Authentic Ventures

Impact America Fund is an investment company that funds market opportunities that use technology to enhance the lives of all Americans.

Kesha Cash – Founder and General Partner – Impact America Fund

645 Ventures is a seed to Series A VC firm that applies a data-intensive approach to investing in top software and Internet companies.

Nnamdi Okike, Co-Founder & General Partner – 645 Ventures

Backstage Capital is a venture capital fund that invests in new companies led by underrepresented founders in the U.S.

Arlan Hamilton –
Founder & Managing Partner – Backstage Capital

Harlem Capital Partners is a diversity focused venture capital fund that invests in early stage companies focused on tech-enabled services, retail, and real estate.

Harlem Capital co-founders, Henri Pierre-Jacques and Jarrid Tingle.

Precursor Ventures operates as an early-stage venture capital firm. The company invests in seed and early-stage consumer, digital health, education, Fintech, hardware, and SaaS companies.

black owned Venture Capital
Charles Hudson, Managing Partner and Founder of Precursor Ventures

KICVentures is an investment holding company that creates, invests and manages several portfolio companies in the health-tech sector.

Dr. Kingsley R. Chin — Managing Partner & CEO – KICVentures

Fairview Capital Partners is a leading venture capital and private equity investment management firm. They implement innovative fund of funds, co-investment, and customized investment strategies for institutional investors.

JoAnn H. Price – CO-FOUNDER / MANAGING PARTNER of Fairview Capital Partners

The Bronze Venture Fund makes and manages innovative investments that align strong financial returns with positive social impact.

Stephen DeBerry – founder and chief investment officer – The Bronze Venture Fund

DiverseCity Ventures (Sacramento, CA) invests in scalable, technology-enabled companies that have a social, economic, or environmental impact and high potential for outsized returns.

black owned Venture Capital
Mariah Lichtenstern, Founder and CEO -DiverseCity Ventures

Cross Culture Ventures  invests in and develops companies that fuel shifts in cultural trends and behaviors within an increasingly diverse global marketplace.

Marlon Nichols – Co-founder/ Managing Partner- Cross Culture Ventures

Vista Equity Partners is a private equity and venture capital firm focused on financing and forwarding software and technology-enabled startup businesses.

black owned Venture Capital
ROBERT F. SMITH, Founder & CEO of Vista Equity Partners

Base Ventures is a seed-stage fund investing in technology companies.

black owned Venture Capital
Erik Moore – Founder and Managing Partner – Base Ventures

Reinventure Capital is a growth-stage equity and debt investment practice focusing on founders of color and women.

Edward Dugger III –
founding partner and President – Reinventure Capital

Syncom Venture Partners is a leading venture capital firm primarily focused on growth stage investments in emerging and underserved segments of the media and communications industry.

black owned Venture Capital
Terry L. Jones, Managing Partner – Syncom Venture Partners

Cleo Capital is an early-stage venture capital fund that invests in pre-seed and seed stage tech and tech enabled investments. 

black owned venture capital
Sarah Kunst, Managing Director at Cleo Capital

CRE Venture Capital is a venture capital firm that invests in technology-enabled startup companies.

black owned venture capital
Pule Taukobong, Co-founder & Managing Partner at CRE Venture Capital

Plexo Capital is a hybrid venture capital (VC) firm investing both in emerging VC funds and in early stage companies.

black owned Venture Capital
Lo Toney, Managing Partner at Plexo Capital

Base 10 is an early-stage venture capital firm investing in the automation of the real economy.

black owned Venture Capital
Adeyemi Ajao, Co-Founder of Base 10

lllumen Capital is a venture capital firm that invests in early-stage and start up companies.

black owned Venture Capital
Daryn Dodson, Managing Director at Illumen Capital


Tony O. Lawson

Want to invest in Black founders? Please fill out this short form.



10 mins read

Economic Activism: A Viable Long Term Strategy

To state the painfully obvious, innocent Black people are being murdered by police on a consistent basis. The Prison Industrial Complex continues to close in on us. Our school systems are deplorable.

Many of us don’t have access to healthy food options. Our neighborhoods are being gentrified. And no one is being held accountable.

Economic Activism

In response, we are using various forms of social and political activism including marching, demonstrating and protesting. While these are good and necessary strategies in the short-term, as a long-term solution, we need to incorporate economic activism on a continuous basis.

Economic Activism

This is essentially the act of using your money, wealth or economic power to influence the changes that you want to see and that align with your political or social values.

Ways to practice Economic Activism

1) Boycott

Boycotts can be an effective way to bring awareness to an issue and publicly express dissatisfaction, anger and frustration. They have a long history of contributing to social change.


However, for a boycott related to Black dollars to be successful, alternative product and institutional options are necessary. If consumers are being told not to buy items at one place, they should be informed of where else they can find said items.

Another key to an effective boycott is concentrated focus and persistence. We can’t boycott for a few days or weeks, only to go right back and shop at the same place later.  The Montgomery Bus Boycott lasted 381 days! That’s the type of dedication needed to create a change.

It’s important to realize that, in terms of products to choose from, we have more options than we may realize. There are a multitude of Black owned companies that offer quality products and services. However, we need to expand the variety of products that we offer. We need Black owned companies that can meet the demand we create in sectors like electronics, household appliances, and furniture to name a few.

2) Practice Group Economics

a) Support Black Owned Businesses

From the 1880’s into the 1960’s, a majority of American states enforced segregation through “Jim Crow” laws. Black people were prevented from patronizing white businesses and establishments. This forced us to create our own businesses and trade with each other. The Black dollar circulated within the community several times over before leaving, bringing rise to hundreds of successful Black businesses.


Due to racism and resentment, businesses in thriving communities were literally burned to the ground. After de-segregation, Black businesses started losing their customer base to white businesses outside the community.

In his book, “Powernomics,” Dr. Claude Anderson states “Black people have enriched every group, except themselves.” Based on the responses and messages that ShoppeBlack has received, it’s clear that people want to support Black businesses.

It’s not as hard as you may think. If its a matter of location, start with an online business. After some research and staying connected to SHOPPE BLACK, you’ll find out about some that are close to you depending on where you live.

There are at least a dozen other websites and apps that have been developed over the past couple of years that can direct you to Black owned businesses as well. Check them out.

b) Support Black Owned Banks

According to Federal Reserve data, although 13.2% of the U.S. population is African-American, less than half of 1% of U.S. banks are Black owned. The banks that do exist have been struggling due to the 2008 financial crisis and a lack of support from the Black community.

These banks play an important role in revitalizing communities that other financial institutions ignore. They provide services that allow many to avoid predatory payday loan establishments and check cashing places. They also provide needed home and business loans as well as lines of credit that are not readily available to a lot of Black business and home owners.

Citizens Trust Bank Next Generation Advisory Board

3) Form or Join Investment Groups.

Investment groups (not to be confused with investment clubs) are a great way to pool resources in order to:

a) Purchase income-producing assets (residential or commercial). One of the surest ways to accumulate wealth is to invest in rental properties: houses, apartment buildings, office complexes, etc.

b) Purchase shares or equity interest in corporations or other businesses. Money raised can also be invested in the creation or expansion of businesses in sectors where Black people are underrepresented but consume the most e.g textiles, footwear, watches, household appliances, toys, and electronic equipment.

c) Invest in projects like films, plays, arts institutions or the formation of media companies where we can control the images and the messages we send and receive.

4) Think Globally

While building a strong economic structure in the U.S., Black businesses and consumers should also consider forming relationships with entrepreneurs and consumers on the Continent, the Caribbean, Europe, Canada, Brazil, and other parts of South America. All of these regions have a high population of Black people. Pan-Africanist concepts and practices are critical now more than ever.

It seems as if our predecessors, without the use of social media, the internet, and fewer resources, were organizing more – Pan African Congresses, convenings, and dialogues – than we’re doing today. It’s high time that we defer back to the groundwork that’s already been laid for us by W.E.B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, and Kwame Nkrumah.

Ghanaian entrepreneur and investor Sangu Delle
Ghanaian entrepreneur and investor Sangu Delle

This is group economics on an international level and opens up a market of a billion people. There are thousands upon thousands of quality products made abroad.

In 2010, President Obama announced the National Export Initiative in his State of the Union address to renew and revitalize efforts to promote American exports abroad.


70 percent of the world’s purchasing power is located outside the U.S and less than one percent of America’s 30 million companies export. That’s unfortunate because if there’s one thing the U.S. has, its the reputation that the products from here are of quality and excellent customer service. U.S. products are in high demand overseas.

Visit for information on the opportunities in overseas markets, federal resources, and upcoming trade events.

 5) Control the Distribution Channel


A distribution channel is a network of individuals and organizations involved in getting a product or service from the producer to the customer. It can include manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, and even the internet. 


The beauty supply industry is one of many where Black people are almost non-existent in all parts of the supply chain other than as retailers and consumers.

The book “On My Own: Korean Businesses and Race Relations in America”, describes the explosion of the wig business in South Korea in the 1960s and explains how this is instrumental in the Korean domination of the Black hair supply industry.


In 1965, the Korean Wig merchants joined together and convinced the Korean government to ban the export of the raw hair, giving Koreans control over the manufacturing extensions and human hair wigs. Between 1965 and 1978, the YH Trade wig manufacturing company exported $100 million worth of wigs. The wigs did especially well with Black consumers. Now Koreans control the market and Black entrepreneurs are being shut out in order to protect the monopoly.


We need to become the manufacturers and distributors of the products that we use the most.

In Part 2 we’ll discuss the issues that these different forms of economic activism need to address.

-Tony O. Lawson

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6 mins read

What Africa Needs: Trade Not Aid

“Trade Not Aid” is a popular phrase used by proponents of the idea that instead of giving ‘free money’ to Africa to fight poverty and hunger, donors should support job and business creation through foreign direct investment. Don’t get me wrong, not all aid is bad. I am not referring to emergency aid given in situations like a natural disaster.

The type of aid I am referring to is government-to-government aid. It’s time we recognize that this type of assistance is not only the least effective in terms of poverty reduction but is also destructive. It is stunting the growth of an African middle class that is needed to spur economic growth. Zambian-born economist and author of the best-seller, Dead Aid, Damiso Moyo states that “Over the past 60 years at least $1 trillion of development-related aid has been transferred from rich countries to Africa.

Yet, real per-capita income today is lower than it was in the 1970s, and more than 50% of the population live on less than a dollar a day, a figure that has nearly doubled in two decades.”  If this economic development model is CLEARLY not working, why is it still being imposed? Why is it being used in Africa only?

China moved 300 million people out of poverty in 30 yrs. India has approximately 300 million people in its middle class. They did not achieve this by relying on aid to the extent that the entire continent of Africa does today and has for the past half century plus.


A serious issue is that African governments are now relying on this aid as a source of income like a welfare recipient waiting on their monthly check, instead of looking for alternative means of revenue generation. Some say that aid promotes government corruption because the funds are just moved to private accounts abroad.

I’m certain that this happens a lot of the time. However, that is not the only issue. Even where there is no corruption involved, you have a situation where African governments are relying on Western countries to provide their people with goods and services that they should be providing e.g. education, healthcare, infrastructure, etc.

Who will respect a leader that does not care for his own people? That’s partially the reason why many African ‘leaders’ get zero respect in the global community. They are perceived as beggars. They are sitting on priceless natural resources that can be traded, begging for money from countries that are in actuality, broke themselves. But I digress…

Another issue is that aid does not create a meaningful amount of jobs or opportunities to start and grow a business in Africa. Aid also comes in the form of goods donated. Why not invest in local producers of these goods or invest in a manufacturing plant to produce the goods that are currently being shipped to Africa?

This is a sure way to spur job creation and invest in a local business instead of flooding the market of charity goods that will put local producers out of business. There is no way to reduce poverty if there are no jobs or means for individuals to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors as a means to increase their income and start to create wealth for themselves.

Therefore, if there is no middle class to drive the economy you are left with a situation similar to that in Nigeria where there exists the extremely wealthy and extremely poor with a few middle-class citizens sprinkled in the middle. I’m sure you can see how this would also lead to increased crime, whether it’s the latest 419 scheme or good old-fashioned armed robbery.


The good news is that in recent years due to the slowed economic growth in Western countries, the amount given in aid is now gradually reducing. Now, more than ever, the focus has turned to Africa, not just as a poor desperate continent in need of help, but as a place where Western and Eastern countries need to do business in order to not only stay competitive in the global marketplace but to survive.

This in addition to business friendly policies that have been implemented in several African countries  have led to economic growth in different regions of the continent over the last few years.

Trade Not Aid

The aforementioned to me is proof that we do not need handouts. What we do need, however, is to be taken seriously as players in the global trade market. We have the resources, we have the talent and we have the potential. What we need to do now is phase out aid and increase the number of trade deals and investments that help move the Continent in the right direction.

– Tony O. Lawson

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