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6 mins read

Mommy & Daughter Fitness Team Breaks the Internet

Danielle “Ms.Boston” Jones and her daughter, Honor, have to be the most adorable fitness duo ever. This was confirmed after we posted a video of one of their workouts on our Facebook page and it was viewed over 1 million times in a few days.

We wanted to find out more about this dynamic duo so we we had a chat.

SB: What inspired you to become a personal trainer?

DJ: Fitness has always been a part of my life since I was a child. I was very active. I played basketball, softball, baseball, hockey, horse back riding, karate, you name it. However basketball was my favorite and I continued to play in college.

After I graduated, I continued to go to the gym and I would always get compliments on my body. Woman and men would always ask me for tips.

So in 2008 when I moved to California, I got certified with ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association). Next month I will be certified with a personal trainer certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).

I really enjoy helping people. I’m a people person. I doubled majored in psychology and sociology so it helps. When you’re a trainer you are constantly talking with your clients.

You get to know them on a very personal level. I used to think my degrees were pointless cause I wasn’t using them but I use it everyday in dealing with my clients.

SB: It’s so adorable that you work out with your daughter. What made you decide to add her to your workout videos?

DJ: I purposely involved her in my workouts. It was a fun way of bonding when she was an infant. She really enjoyed it. Then as she got older I would do it next to her while she was playing with her toys and she would laugh.

Then before I knew it I was watching a video back and noticed her in the background trying to do it at 4 months. I couldn’t wait for her to get to this age at which she could actually workout with me.

Before having a child I would workout with my nieces and nephews. If you teach them at a young age about health and taking care of their body it becomes a lifestyle.

I never want my child to be lazy. I want her to be the best she can be in every aspect of life and it starts with taking care of herself.

SB: Many women struggle to lose weight after pregnancy. What advice do you have for those trying to shed the post baby weight?

DJ: Focus on the baby. The weight will come off. Society puts so much pressure on women to look perfect. Enjoy being a mom and all the changes your body is going through.

I breastfed Honor until 16 months so I couldn’t diet at all because my milk depleted. I didn’t worry about my weight. When you’re ready do it with your child.

Have fun with it. I always joke and say Honor made me gain the weight and she’s going to help me lose it. 🙂

SB: Many workout videos claim to give the secret for “Abs in 5 minutes“. What’s the real deal on how to get my abs poppin?

DJ: It’s all diet, abs are made in the kitchen. Consistency, hard work, and eating clean. You can workout all you want if you don’t diet your abs will continue to hide.

SB: What’s the most fulfilling thing about what you do?

DJ: Changing lives one family at a time. I get a numerous amount of messages a day from moms, dads, and even children thanking me for inspiring them.

Expressing how much of an impact Honor and I have had on them and that keeps me going. Not only our workouts but our bond.

I think sometimes as parents we get so caught up on providing for our children that we forget that we are our children’s first role model. The energy they see at home is what they will exert into the world.

Also women that don’t have children yet write to me explaining how because of the way I bounced back they now look forward to having children and know they can to if they put in the work.

I get so many comments saying I’m not a mom yet but when I am you are goals. Nothing is more fulfilling then that.

Find Danielle and Honor on social media:




-Tony Oluwatoyin Lawson aka @thebusyafrican

23 mins read

Meet the Black Bodybuilding Crew Crushing #BodyGoals

One of my favorite classes in college was weight training. All we did was workout and crack jokes. This class taught me how much hard work and dedication actual bodybuilding requires.

Now, whenever I need workout advice or tips, I hit up my man, Mo. He stays in the gym and knows his stuff when it comes to bodybuilding, nutrition etc.

I asked him and his workout crew some questions about their lifestyle. This is what they had to say.

Mo Williams (NPC National Qualified Physique)

SB: What inspired you to start bodybuilding?

Mo: I have always been an athlete and played sports all through out my youth. I also didn’t have the greatest home environment as a kid. So I not only trained for the sports I was playing, I trained to finally be able to stand up and protect myself. What I didn’t know is that I would fall in love with seeing my body transform. I used to read articles on websites like Skinny2Fit to find recipes and tips to help me get the most out of my workout.

I continued working out just for fun and to build my stature. Last year a couple of friends suggested that I step on stage and compete, so I spent about five months preparing for my first show and won overall.

SB: What’s your profession outside of bodybuilding?

M0: I work for the federal government. I am a Country Development Officer at the U.S. Agency for International Development.

SB: Do you have a nutrition plan? What do you eat and how often?

Mo: I an currently on a 1900-2000k cal diet as I get ready for my show in June. I am on a high protein and vegetable diet with limited carbs.


SB: How many days do you train? Describe your workout plan.

Mo: I train six days a week twice a day. I do cardio in the morning, with some abdominal work and lift weights in the evening

SB: What you do to relax when you are not working out?

Mo: I love watching movies, spending time with my family and I am also taking acting classes

SB: How does contest prep and bodybuilding affect your personal life?

Mo: Bodybuilding is a very selfish sport. In order to get stage ready you end up standing on the shoulders of a lot of people, from the coach that trains you, to the nutritionist that does your meal plans. Life during prep is very isolating and a lot of times your friends and family do not understand why you can’t go out to eat, drink or party with them.

SB: What are your keys to success in bodybuilding?

Mo: Your success depends on two things. How determined you are and your work ethic. My mentality in this game is to win and I always say that if you want to beat me, “you will have to die on the stairmaster”. Also, do not let anyone out work you. More than anything else in the sport of bodybuilding, you have to be distraction free and keep all negativity afar.

SB: What advice do you have for someone who wants to begin their bodybuilding journey tomorrow?

Mo: Bodybuilding is not for everyone, think long and hard before getting into this sport. Make sure you have a good support system and also know your body.

Cassandra Murphy (NPC Bikini Competitor)

SB: What motivated you to start bodybuilding?

Cassandra: Growing up I have always been active, from doing ballet, gymnastics, and running a half marathon. However bodybuilding did not come along until about a year ago. I worked with a young lady who was preparing for a bodybuilding show and I became curious about the process. I noticed she ate almost every two to three hours, and went to the gym daily.

I had questions, lots of questions. That’s when I decided to have a talk with my coworker to find out how this whole bodybuilding thing works. I remember thinking to myself “I want to do a show, but I don’t want to look like a man with too many muscles”. So I decided to do bikini and it was history from there. I set a goal, found a show date, and my life would never be the same.

SB: What’s your profession outside of bodybuilding?

Cassandra: I am a surgical assistant and a pharmacy student.

SB: Do you have a nutrition plan? What do you eat and how often?

Cassandra: When I am on prep I follow a strict nutrition plan that enables me to build muscle and retain it for my show. During my off season I still incorporate a clean diet however, I indulge in pizza and sweets every so often. I typically eat around six or seven meals a day when I am on prep.

I am pescartarian so fish is my main source of protein aside from protein shakes. The meals I eat during prep are pretty basic. The usual suspects are 4-6oz of fish, brown rice, sweet potato, green vegetables, eggs(lots of eggs), and peanut butter. During off season I cut my meals down to 4-5 meals a day and allow myself to have a cheat meal twice a week.

SB: How many days do you train? Describe your workout plan.

Cassandra: I actually enjoy working out so I am in the gym six days a week sometimes seven if I am getting ready for a show. I have found that it’s best to split up your workouts by body parts. For example when I train on legs (which by the way I train three days a week) one day I would focus on glutes and hamstrings, while another day I would focus on quads, inner thighs, and hamstrings.

I always have a day dedicated to working on my glutes, as that is my problem area. When I work on my upper body I will dedicate a day for just biceps and triceps, and another for back and shoulders. I also do core every night before bed and 30 minutes of cardio 3-5 days a week depending if I am on prep or not..

SB: What you do to relax when you are not working out?

Cassandra: When I am not working out I listen to music and dance. I find music to be very calming. I also go for walks to enjoy some fresh air.

SB: How does contest prep and bodybuilding affect your personal life?

Cassandra: Contest prep takes a lot of time and dedication. I remember when I did my first contest prep I hardly ever made time for my personal life as I was always in the gym or at work or school. It can be tough at times because all you think about is how well you want to do at your show, so the gym becomes your second home and can easily consume you. I hardly had time for my friends, but I made new friends in the gym (other competitors) as they understood the sacrifice I was making to be the best.

SB: What are your keys to success in bodybuilding?

Cassandra: To be successful in bodybuilding the first thing is to have a strong mindset, and a can do attitude. Without the will to tackle any obstacle it could become difficult to reach your full potential. I think it is important to be consistent, positive and surround yourself with likeminded individuals. You have to be willing to go the extra mile which means really pushing yourself in the gym and sticking to your meal plan.

Cassandra (center)

SB: What advice do you have for someone who wants to begin their bodybuilding journey tomorrow?

Cassandra: My advice would be to trust the process and just go for it. For me to even say that is kind of crazy because that is all my coach used to tell me during my first prep ,and all I did was stress out. Starting off can be frustrating at times and trust me I was frustrated in the beginning, but I had support from my coach and other team members which helped tremendously.

The next piece of advice would be to find a show date (pick a date that gives you enough time for contest prep, and stick to it) get a coach, and leave the rest up to all the hard work you put in at the gym and your diet. Bodybuilding is as fun and exciting if you want it to be! Once you put your mind to it your body will make the connection and the results will speak for themselves.

Koko Korang (NPC National Qualified Figure Competitor)

SB: What motivated you to start bodybuilding?

Koko: I’ve always been athletic growing up from dance since I was eight years old, to playing AAU Basketball, running track in high school, college and on the US Army competitive track team. Bodybuilding was another competitive outlet for me especially after my last knee surgery. I just needed to find an outlet that would keep me healthy and fit mentally as well as physically.

SB: What’s your profession outside of bodybuilding?

Koko: I am a contracted Staff Accountant for private sectors and a full time personal trainer and nutrition lifestyle coach.

SB: Do you have a nutrition plan? What do you eat and how often?

Koko: Currently I am in competition season, so I do have a strict nutrition plan. Every bodybuilder will tell you that, once competition season comes around, bodybuilding meals are essential to improving performance. I eat 6-8 times a day depending on my workday. My meals consist of lean protein (fish, chicken, turkey) a lot of dark leafy greens and complex carbs (sweet potato, brown rice, oatmeal) and my water intake is at least a gallon a day.

SB: How many days do you train? Describe your workout plan.

Koko: I train twice a day, 6 days a week. I normally start out with either Fasted Cardio or HIIT Training in the morning usually lasting about 30-45 minutes. Steady state cardiovascular exercise, i.e Stepmill, Cycling Bike, or Treadmill on an incline or HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) with plyometric exercises, which is jump training with repetition exercises done in a short interval time period.

In the evening i do strength training mainly utilizing compound sets(working the same muscle group with different exercises back to back in circuits) or supersets (working 2 different muscle groups back to back in circuits), it varies per day.

SB: What you do to relax when you are not working out?

Koko: I love being a homebody for the day, my idea of a relaxed day is a Sunday after church in my pajamas watching movies eating popcorn. I know sounds boring. However if i’m traveling, a nice relaxed sound day at the beach with a nice book or writing in my journal is ideal as well. It’s the simple things.

SB: How does contest prep and bodybuilding affect your personal life?

Koko: This lifestyle has definitely affected my personal life but for the good I believe. Focusing on my health and making the necessary changes in my lifestyle has made me embrace my growth in self. Discipline to be better not just physically but mentally has really made me re-evaluate past relationships and bad auras; I made the choice to finally get rid of negative vibes in my life.

I’ve lost some friendships and gained new ones for the better in my opinion. There’s a stigma that all competitors in this lifestyle date or communicate with only other competitors; I don’t believe this is all the way true. Prep season can only be isolating if you surround yourself with folks who don’t support or not willing to understand your reasoning for this lifestyle.

Koko (bottom)

SB: What are your keys to success in bodybuilding?

Koko: Keys to success in bodybuilding in my opinion is drive and dedication to yourself and to the sport, the willingness to get up every morning to workout or sacrifice that extra hour in your long workday to workout no matter what. Trust in the process, changes come in variations so patience is a virtue; even the smallest change counts.

Support from your loved ones, sometimes that extra push is necessary, i’ve realized you can’t do everything on your own. Commitment to the journey, if you cheat skipping meals, skipping workouts you’re only cheating yourself. Last but not least confidence in self, if you don’t believe in yourself no one will so it starts within.

SB: What advice do you have for someone who wants to begin their bodybuilding journey tomorrow?

Koko: Do this for you and no one else!!! Remember your reasoning for starting your journey and let that be your constant drive. Opinions will be made, criticisms will always be given but don’t let that sway you to give up. Be true to self and be your own motivation. If you are struggling to start out then look into ways to feed up your bodybuilding process. Things like the right diet and sarms is a great base to start at. There are lots of main benefits of using sarms.

Jessica Marie Poole (NPC National Qualified Figure Competitor)

SB: What motivated you to start bodybuilding?

Jessica: After being a former track and field athlete, I was looking for another challenge and another way to stay in shape. I saw pictures and videos of athletes like IFBB Figure Pro Alicia Harris and Candice Carter and thought it was something I could achieve.

SB: What’s your profession outside of bodybuilding?

Jessica: Budget Analyst for the Government

SB: Do you have a nutrition plan? What do you eat and how often?

Jessica: Yes, I eat about 5-7 meals a day depending on my goals

SB: How many days do you train? Describe your workout plan.

Jessica: I train 5-6 days a week, twice a day. I incorporate split training and work each muscle group at least twice a week.

SB: What you do to relax when you are not working out?

Jessica: I like to read, drink wine, hang out with my girlfriends and spend time with family.

SB: How does contest prep and bodybuilding affect your personal life?

Jessica: Prepping for a show takes a lot of dedication, focus, and sacrifice. My goal is win, so I take my time and pride in building a package that I am proud of.

SB: What are your keys to success in bodybuilding?

Jessica: Be patient with yourself, don’t half-step, eliminate any distractions, and always remember your why.

SB: What advice do you have for someone who wants to begin their bodybuilding journey tomorrow?

Jessica: Find a good/knowledgeable coach. Don’t be in a rush to do a show but actually do one when you’re ready. Learn your body. Be the best you can be. Enjoy the journey.

Marques Speights (NPC National Qualified Bodybuilding Competitor)

SB: What motivated you to start bodybuilding?

Marques: I have always been impressed by the physiques I saw while growing up amd I wanted to create my version of that.

SB: What’s your profession outside of bodybuilding?

Marques: I am a Master Personal Trainer and also run my own personal training business under the moniker of SP8FITNESS in Maryland

SB: Do you have a nutrition plan? What do you eat and how often?

Marques: I’m currently in off-season and in the bulking so I eat 7-8 times a day. But, during the season and in prep I eat 5-6 times a day.

SB: How many days do you train? Describe your workout plan.

Marques: I train 3 days a week in the offseason and workout for about 2 hours

SB: What you do to relax when you are not working out?

Marques:I love going to the movies, bowling, and spending time with my daughter and family.

Marques (center)

SB: How does contest prep and bodybuilding affect your personal life?

Marques: It takes a lot of time away from your family and friends but it’s the lofe I have chosen to lean and the life for me

SB: What are your keys to success in bodybuilding?

Marques: Believing in yourself and being surrounded around only positive people period!

SB: What advice do you have for someone who wants to begin their bodybuilding journey tomorrow?

Marques: Just give it your all and give it 100% and have fun with it and learn as much as possible throughout your journey!

Photo Credit: Fareed Stephens

-Tony Oluwatoyin Lawson

1 min read

Black Owned Businesses in Atlanta

Atlanta is home to many amazing Black owned businesses. Check out the ones we’ve listed and let us know which ones we missed!

Black Owned Businesses in Atlanta

CooperRose baby

ELEMENT Circus & Event Entertainment

Floral Matters

City of Ink

black owned businesses atlanta

KTX Fitness

black owned

Gymnetics Fitness

black owned


black owned

Iwi Fresh Garden Day Spa

black owned

Nubiance Salon and Spa


Atlanta Beauty Depot (Smyrna)

black owned

Le Petit Marche

shoppe black

Sublime Doughnutsblack owned businesses atlanta

E & C Popcorn


Vivid Interiors®


Posh Atlanta Cakes


Magnifique Soiree


That’s a Wrap!13094183_10153655954547775_4109594107436396531_n

Tropic Isle Living

Black owned

Lawrence-Ray Concepts


Purple Corkscrew Wine Bar


Too Groovy Salon


TAGS Boutique



black owned businesses atlanta
FunkyFlairBoutique (Marietta)

Citizens Trust Bank

black owned businesses atlanta

Credit Union of Atlanta

1st Choice Credit Union

black owned businesses atlanta

Slutty Vegan

black owned businesses atlanta

Ms. Icey’s Kitchen & Bar

black owned businesses atlanta

Sweet Auburn Seafood

black owned businesses atlanta

Atlanta Breakfast Club

black owned businesses atlanta

Soul Crab

black owned businesses atlanta

Old Lady Gang

black owned businesses atlanta

Negril Village

black owned businesses atlanta

Local Green Atlanta

black owned businesses atlanta


Tony O. Lawson 

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Get your SHOPPE BLACK apparel!

12 mins read

22 Businesses in the $3.4 Trillion Health and Wellness Industry

Our list of Black owned businesses in the health and wellness industry is here right on time. Why? Because each new year is typically accompanied by resolutions related to improving health. My goals have generally stayed the same – to increase my income, improve my diet and to exercise more.

This past year, kudos to me, I’ve made quite a bit of progress. I’ve lost almost 30lbs in the past 7 months. Now, in the right lighting and depending on how much I’ve had to eat, I can actually see something that resembles a six pack. I owe much of this progress to whomever created the meme below.

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With so many factors negatively affecting our health, whether it is genetically modified food or the unpronounceable chemicals in our household products, it is even more important that we pay much closer attention to our health.

There are at least five chronic health conditions that disproportionately affect Black Americans more than any other group. Also, the health issues that were once unique to the West are now becoming prevalent on the Continent. Don’t be fooled by the late night infomercials featuring starving children.

Today, increasingly more people in developing countries go to bed having consumed too many calories rather than going to bed hungry. Being overweight is rapidly becoming a more common problem than being underweight. This is due in large part to the popularity of fast food chains spreading across Africa.



The good news is that these days, whether you live in the Western hemisphere or on the Continent, it is likely that you are taking some steps toward living a healthier life.

Africans in Africa are rapidly becoming much more health conscious and the big bellies that once represented wealth and good living are not the status symbol they once were.

In the U.S., more Black people are also interested in fitness and health, as is evident by the large following that fitness-related sites like Black Men RunBlack Women Do Workout, and Black Fitness Today have amassed.

hbcu_5k1According to a report by the Global Wellness Institute, the $3.4 trillion Global Wellness Market is now three times larger than the worldwide Pharmaceutical industryThe report states that the sectors seeing the most significant growth since 2010 are the Fitness and Mind-Body industry as well as Healthy Eating, Nutrition, and Weight Loss industry.

What does this mean? Simply put, people are relying less on drugs to prevent and solve their health issues.
The Fitness and Mind-body industry ($446.4billion) includes gyms and health clubs; personal training and yoga. The Healthy Eating, Nutrition, and Weight Loss industry ($574 billion) include: health foods, natural and organic foods; weight-loss and diet services; diet and weight-loss foods and meal services; and anti-obesity prescription drugs.

Black Owned Businesses in the Health and Wellness industry

There are abundant opportunities available for Black owned businesses and entrepreneurs who are interested in in this industry. Here are several businesses and services that encourage health and wellness and will help you get in shape for the new year and beyond!

Healthy Eating, Nutrition, & Weight Loss

Food and Beverage

Black Owned Businesses

Jus Blend is a Jamaican-rooted; New York City-based family business that produces fresh, cold pressed juices to the city and surrounding areas. Their produce is “fresh and sourced within 24-hours of your order.”

Black Owned Businesses

Jimmy’s Vegan Cookies  Jimmy Prude is the founder of this wholesale Vegan Cookie company based in Chicago. His products are now available on select Whole Foods shelves.

Khepra’s Raw Food Juice Bar: Khepra Anu founded this Washington DC-based raw food juice bar that was featured in the Washington Post’s Best Eats in 2012.

The WaterHole is owned by Lisa Harris. This Maryland based juice bar also provides coffee, wifi cable, and good vibes.

Local Farms


Five Seeds Farm is a family-owned and operated city and country farm in Baltimore, MD. This city-based farm was developed in the spring of 2008 in the backyard of a Belair-Edison neighborhood and quickly expanded to other vacant lots and private yards across the city.


Renaissance Community Co-op has a mission to create a democratically-owned and controlled grocery store in Northeast Greensboro, NC, that provides all of Greensboro with healthy foods at affordable prices.

Black Owned Businesses

Patchwork City Farms is a family owned urban farm located in the South West Atlanta historic West End neighborhood. Patchwork City Farm’s mission is to “work with local landholders – public and private – to create a sustainable, naturally grown local food system.”

Fitness and Mind-body industry


Black Owned Businesses

NY based Afro Flow Yoga infuses electrifying dance movements of the African Diaspora with a meditative yoga sequence of gentle yet powerful stretches. Founder, Leslie Salmon Jones is a former Alvin Ailey dancer, certified holistic personal trainer, yoga instructor, certified wellness coach, and public speaker.

Michael Hayes, the owner of NY based “Buddha Body Yoga,” has over 20 years experience teaching and has has traveled regularly to Thailand to study with master teachers. His class will benefit anyone regardless of their individual anatomy, flexibility, age, or yoga background.

Black Owned Businesses

Chelsea Loves Yoga is founded by Chelsea Roberts, PhD. She is an Atlanta based yoga instructor and educator. The purpose of Chelsea Loves Yoga is to illuminate the voices and images of yogis who have been traditionally eliminated or (under)represented in Yoga in the United States and abroad.


Dade2Shelby  Derrick “DJ” Townsel, a former NFL athlete, has become an inspiration to thousands who didn’t think a passion for fitness or yoga could be a possibility for them— mainly men and people of color. Derrick is now a sought-after Certified Personal Trainer and Calisthenics Instructor based in Orlando.

12208487_1160592893969453_8166857437012076124_nSelamta Yoga is an eco-friendly yoga mat company based in San Diego and founded by Aregache Demelew, or “Mimi’. The company is dedicated to spreading the practice of yoga, eastern philosophy & culture to the world. Selamta means “Peace Be With You” in Amharic (a native language of Ethiopia)

Black Owned Businesses

Spa & Resorts

Black Owned Businesses

Virginia-based, Salamander Resort & Spa, features 168 luxurious rooms and suites, a luxury spa, full-service equestrian center, a dedicated cooking studio, wine bar, billiards room and a unique array of conference and banquet facilities.

Chatto Salon is a full service, eco-friendly salon located in the Gold Coast area of Downtown Chicago, IL, that offers its own natural and organic products.

Atlanta-based, IWI Fresh Garden Day Spa, partners with local farms and gardens and handpicks fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs to create fresh skin care products. They offer spa services such as Manicures, Veggie Pedicures, Veggie Facials, Herbal Massages, Waxing, Threading and Natural Hair Care.

Black Owned BusinessesFrancine’s Salon and Day Spa, the first Black owned Salon & Day Spa in Hartford County has been located in Bloomfield, Connecticut, for over a decade. The founder, Francine Austin, is a 20-year plus veteran of the cosmetology industry.

Fitness Centers


Shaun Chambers, BodyRoc founder, is a former boxer and song writer. His BodyRoc Fit Lab is CT’s first dynamic, boutique boxing studio. A high-intensity workout that fuses fitness with entertainment, the signature circuit-style workout combines treadmills, heavy bag boxing, and weight training, all in a dance club environment.

Black Owned Businesses

KTX Fitness founder, Keith Thompson, has created an Atlanta-based cycle class that is guaranteed to have you sweating. KTX’s “Rock the Bike™” Cycle, Step, and Zumba are uniquely different and literally an exercise party as it provides a fun and challenging workout that is sure to have you working every muscle.

Black Owned Businesses

Rahman “Ray” Grayson, Mr. Shut Up and Train, is the founder of this Atlanta-based personal training company. His signature “In Motion” style of training focuses on keeping the heart rate elevated and the body in motion. Whether you are aiming to lose weight, build muscle, or gain endurance, Ray has the plan for you.

Knight’s Personal Fitness is a Philadelphia-based personal training facility founded by Tommi Knight. His first location was in a basement. A few months later he moved to a 1,100 square foot studio space. Now, Tommie trains clients in a 5,000-square-foot facility. I guess you can say, business is booming.


Black Owned Businesses

BRUKWINE is a Caribbean inspired dance workout created by professional dancers and choreographers, Tavia and Tamara. Brukwine, “Break out and Wine,” is a NY-based workout class featuring dancehall moves turned choreography, complete with waste winding and hot sounds straight from Jamaica.

The Dwana Smallwood Performing Arts Center is based in NY. Founded former principal dancer with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater turned Director of Student Affairs (and founder of the OWLAG’s Dance Company) at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa, DSPAC aims to mold the world’s next generation of elite dancers and artists.  No worries, they also offers a variety of classes for adults ranging from Orisa dance workshops to Afro-Caribbean technique classes.

Black Owned Businesses


-Tony Oluwatoyin Lawson